City Update: Residents in Duluth asked to report damages following Tuesday’s storm

City of Duluth officials are continuing to investigate potential damage from Tuesday night’s heavy rain event. Initial reports from Public Works and Utilities officials indicate only minor damages to public infrastructure across the city.

City officials have reported some loose gravel in spots that washed downhill from the heavy rains, as well as some loosened asphalt road patches and dislodged manhole covers. City staff will continue to clean these issues up and mitigate damages as they come across them.

The City reports that Parks Maintenance staff also have begun assessing damage in Duluth’s parks. Initial damages reported have been relatively minor, according to a statement issued Wednesday afternoon, including some tree damage, waterlogged trails and bridge damage.

City officials ask that the public be mindful of these potential fragilities as they utilize parks
and trails in the coming days as necessary repairs to any damage are assessed. Parks assessments
may take a few days to complete due to the remote nature of some of the locations as well as the
saturated soils in those locations.

“The good news is that all the measures the City took after the 2012 flood to shore up our
infrastructure and help protect it from future storm damage have served us well,” said Mayor Roger

Mayor Reinert has been in contact with both Grandma’s Director Shane Bauer and Two Harbors
Mayor Lew Connor in preparation for the upcoming marathon events. “Preparations for race
weekend are looking great. Our staff will continue to monitor any weather-related issues and address
them. That’s in addition to the work necessary every year to ready the race route for all the runners
and attendees,” said Mayor Reinert.

City of Duluth officials ask residents to report any infrastructure damage they might encounter to the
Streets, Water, and Sewer 24-hour emergency line at (218) 730-4000,and to stayaway from any
manhole covers that may have dislodged due to potential health and safety concerns.
Residents can also report issues they see by using the Resident Problem Reporter, found here: