Clean-up to begin on fuel oil leak near Ely

Clean up to begin on fuel oil leak on private property near Ely. (MGN)
The Morse Township Fire Department was called to the 400 block of W Sheridan Street at the edge of Ely for a report of a fuel oil leak on private property. The call came in at approximately 12:43 p.m. on Thursday, January 9.
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Environmental Protection Agency were contacted, and a clean-up crew has been assigned.
The Morse Township Fire Department estimates that approximately 500-1000 gallons of fuel oil had leaked from the fuel oil storage facility. The report says the leak had been contained in a bermed depression area under bulk storage tanks.
Initial reports show that the storage tanks may have been overfilled causing the leak, according to the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office.
Authorities say there is no danger to the public, nor passing traffic on the highway due to the leak.