Cromwell-Wright school leaders hopeful about school referendum, vote is Tuesday
On Valentine’s Day, voters will head to the polls in Cromwell, to decide about a $6.45 million dollar bond referendum.
According to the district, the money would be used for the construction of secure entrances and safety improvements at the school site; the construction and equipping of physical education facilities and a student commons area; remodeling and upgrades to learning spaces and restrooms; the construction of parking lots, sidewalks, and drop off and traffic flow improvements; and the completion of various deferred maintenance projects.
“We are feeling hopeful,” shared Nathan Libbon, Cromwell-Wright’s superintendent. “These projects are based on community input from surveys.”
Libbon said they haven’t done any significant upgrades to the building since 1995.
About 300 kids walk the halls each day.

Voting hours are from 1-8pm Tuesday at the Sno-Gophers Snowmbile Club, at 1247 Highway 73 in Cromwell.
The referendum needs a simple majority to pass.
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