Darby’s Dancers provides an opportunity for people of all abilities to move and groove at Madill Performing Arts Center

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Every Monday, Madill Performing Arts Center becomes the place to be for Darby’s Dancers.

It’s a free, one hour class provided by instructors at Madill, to people of all kinds of abilities.

This is the third year that Madill has hosted this. Owner Jocelyn Shykes shared that they love being able to offer this.

“I think knowing that it’s a safe space, where they can be themselves, is important to them. Everyone is at a different ability. We have some dancers who use walkers or wheelchairs. All of them enjoy it just the same, and come back every week,” she told us.

Madill would like to offer a youth class on Monday evenings if there were enough students who signed up.

To sign up, head to Madill: https://madillpac.com/
