Don Lemmerman, shares his Honor Flight Northland experience

Don Lemmerman, an Air Force veteran who served in Vietnam shared his Honor Flight Northland experience to Washington D.C. More than 90 veterans and chaperones flew to and from Washington D.C. on May 14th.

Don Lemmerman said that many veterans were thankful for the support and help flying to D.C. for free. “It was really great. And anybody that is eligible to take it and hasn’t taken it, I urge you to take it.” Lemmermand said. “All you need to bring along is a picture I.D. meds if you need them and money if you think you want to buy souvenirs.”

Also Don Lemmerman said he still felt the kinship among other veterans who served in more recent conflicts. “It’s nice to meet them on this level where we’ve all had that own experience. I would never have met them in their work to begin with, or in my time of service. And to listen to some of them, they really have got some stories. That’s for sure.” Lemmerman said.

While many veterans enjoyed seeing the different monuments and touring our Nation’s Captiol Don Lemmerman also spent time honoring veterans who’ve passed. “They served and they were brave. They gave up their time, in some cases their lives” Lemmerman said “The ones we haven’t commemorated yet, of course, are the ones that are still active out there. And those are people that are in the Middle East.”

However, Don Lemmerman did ask that friends, families and others who respect the armed forces should write letters to those still serving. ” It’s important for you to write them. It’s important for you to be as active as you can with them.” Lemmerman said. “The greatest thing that can happen is when these people, men and women, come home and they’re physically whole and even more important, they’re mentally whole.”

For more information about Honor Flight Northland you can look here. For other stories about Honor Flight Northland you can look here.