Duluth jury finds 22 year old guilty on death related charges

A jury has found 22 year old Sanussi Tamsir Bangoura guilty of Aiding and Abetting Second Degree Murder, Aiding and Abetting Second Degree Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, and Drive by Shooting.

Court records show that in the early afternoon of August 2, 2023, Mr. Bangoura and his codefendant, Brandon Capone Williams-Gillard, shot from a vehicle towards Paris Kadin Allen and four other men who were standing in the area of 2500 West 2nd Street in Duluth, MN. The shooting caused the death of Paris Kadin Allen and injured a second man.

On December 7, 2023, a jury found Mr. Williams-Gillard, 25, guilty of Aiding and Abetting Second Degree Murder, Aiding and Abetting Second Degree Assault with a Dangerous Weapon, and Drive by Shooting.

On April 16, 2024, the Honorable Eric Hylden sentenced Mr. Williams-Gillard to prison for 480 months.
“The verdict finding Sanussi Bangoura guilty represents a step toward justice for Paris Allen and his family, highlighting the significance of accountability in cases of violence and loss,” County Attorney Kim Maki said. “We thank the jury for their diligence in examining the evidence, delivering a verdict based on the facts presented, and ensuring that Mr. Bangoura will face consequences for his violent acts.”

The St. Louis County Attorney’s Office thanks the Duluth Police Department and the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for their hard work and dedication in the investigation of this matter.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant County Attorney Vicky Wanta and sentencing will be scheduled at a later date.