Duluth Mayor responds to allegations his girlfriend has been involving herself directly in city business

Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert released a statement on social media on Wednesday, September 25 in response to allegations that his girlfriend, Amber Gurske, a local marketing manager, has been involving herself in city business.

In the video statement, Reinert himself called for an internal review of the matter citing published reports from the Star Tribune that Ms. Gurske, Reinert’s significant other and one-time campaign manager is involved in city business.

According to the Star Tribune, emails obtained from the Duluth Monitor showed that Gurske, who is a marketing manager for AMSOIL, asked Duluth city staff to take action on some matters.

The Star Tribune report said that the emails showed Gurske reached out to city staff directly on a number of ocassions without going through official channels.

The mayor issued the following statement regarding the matter.

The press recently reported several allegations. The City is doing its due diligence and reviewing these. I want to ensure you that this administration is committed to serving the people of Duluth in an ethical and transparent manner.

Yes, Amber is my significant other. She is a talented professional, and someone I trust. She is also just as passionate about the future and success of our community as I am.

I would never intentionally – or ask anyone else – to do something that negatively impacts this office or the City of Duluth organization. Yet in the interest of total transparency, the City is conducting an internal review to ensure that everything that was done was done in a correct, legal, and ethical manner.