Duluth priest returns after being exonerated from the Vatican

Duluth priest returns after being exonerated from the Vatican

Father William Graham, returns to St. Michael's Catholic Church after exonerated from the Vatican for an allegation made nearly 8 years ago.

After nearly eight years, a Duluth priest returns to his church. Father William Graham of St. Michael’s Catholic Church is grateful for the Vatican Church exonerating him.

The Diocese of Duluth removed Father Graham after a sexual misconduct allegation dating back to 2016. The St. Michael’s Catholic Church continued their services, with several other priests serving during his absence.

The Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith and the Vatican were in charge of the investigation of Father Graham. Recently, the conclusion from the Vatican found that there was not sufficient evidence to find Father Graham guilty of the accusation against him.

The Vatican, therefore, acquitted Father Graham with a decree of absolution. Members of the St. Michael Catholic Church congregation showed their support by welcoming Father Graham back with open arms.

Judge Greg Bonovetz, a member of St. Michael’s Catholic Church, says other members of the community are rejoicing his return.

“Justice delayed is justice denied. Now in this setting, eight years later, eight years of delayed justice has ended. Finally, justice has been achieved,” Greg Bonovetz said. “Let us thank Father Graham for his determination and his perseverance, and let us thank God.”

Judy Bonovetz says she and other members of St. Michael’s also wrote letters asking how Father Graham could continue his ministry.

“We wrote to the archbishop. He asked Timothy O’Malley, who is one of the people who works with him, to write to me. Telling me there was nothing the archbishop could do to help,” Judy Bonovetz said. “‘What next?’ I asked. We will not give up. Did I fail to mention that we prayed and prayed and prayed for those eight years? We will not give up. We can celebrate today.”

While St. Michael’s Catholic Church are happy for Father Graham’s return, there is still frustrations with the Duluth Diocese.

“Now today is a joyous moment,” Father Grahma said. “But I’m saddened that neither the Duluth Diocese nor the Bishop have yet express to me any regret for the injustice that my parish and I have suffered. Or for their failure to show this parish or me mercy during this ordeal.”

The Diocese of Duluth released a statement to WDIO News regarding Rev. William Graham’s exoneration. “Throughout the situation that arose after an accusation was made against Father Graham. The Diocese has always followed civil and church law, the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, and our own policies designed to keep children and other vulnerable people safe, including an investigation into the allegation. At the same time, we have consistently and publicly affirmed Father Graham’s right to profess his innocence and to due process in church law to appeal decisions made by church authorities that he believed were wrong. After a long legal process within church law, the Vatican acquitted Father Graham regarding the accusation of abuse. We have publicly informed people of that outcome. We have returned him to active ministry as a priest in good standing.”

The Statement from Duluth Diocese continued stating. “Doing right by victims of clergy sexual abuse, especially when allegations involve events decades in the past, while at the same time upholding the rights of those accused, is often complex and difficult. So, too, is the healing that must take place after those allegations are resolved.  

Also a quote from Bishop Felton. “We continue to pray for all those concerned in this matter, and for Father Graham’s priestly ministry. That he may find peace in administering the sacraments and proclaiming the healing, hope, and joy of Jesus to the people of northeastern Minnesota.” 

Father Graham returns to St. Michael’s this weekend leading Sunday Mass.

“It’s Pentecost Sunday. We celebrate the outpouring of the Spirit of God,” Father Graham said. “So these kinds of things that we’ve talked about, these hurtful things, that’s not on the agenda for the Sunday preaching. It is celebrating the presence of the Spirit who reminds us of the man and the message of Jesus.”

For more information about Father William Graham, the Duluth priest return to St. Michael’s Catholic Church, you can read more here. Also for other stories happening in Duluth you can read more here.