Duluth residents share their favorite places to watch the fireworks

From on top of the hill to down on Park Point, everyone seems to have their favorite spot to watch the fireworks.

Visit Duluth’s Rebekah Rush is an expert on places you can watch the fireworks in the Twin Ports. She’s been watching the fireworks in Duluth for as long as she can remember.

“I grew up in Duluth,” said Rush. “My dad actually worked in the canal when I was a kid. So I’ve grown up watching the fireworks from the canal, which is always been fun. I think Bayfront is definitely the best place to see the fireworks in town. There are other options; Skyline Parkway is wonderful, the rose garden is also a wonderful place. Anywhere on Canal Park–on Lake Superior–You just have a great view.”

Communications Director for the DECC: Lucie Amundsen, said no matter where you decide to watch the fireworks, you’re in for a special experience.

“It’s really hard to imagine a nicer location than watching fireworks than here,” said Amundsen, referring to Bayfront Festival Park. “As you look out on Lake Superior, you have the lift Bridge. It’s there’s really no better place to celebrate living in the United States than right here on the shores of Lake Superior.”

After keeping an eye on the weather, tonight’s fireworks are on. If you’re looking for a place to watch from across the bridge in Superior, check out Barker’s Island. Where the City of Superior is hosting their own 4th of July celebration.