Duluth’s dirt trail system is closed due to warm temperature

The City of Duluth Parks and Recreation division says all its natural surface (dirt) trails will be closed until further notice due to unseasonably warm temperatures. Please avoid these trails if the soil is damp or muddy.
The decision to close the trails was made in collaboration with the Superior Hiking Trail Association (SHTA) and the Cyclists of Gitchee Gumee Shores (COGGS.)
City officials say overnight below-freezing temperatures combined with daytime above-freezing temperatures create wet and vulnerable soil conditions that can damage trails with continued use.
“If you see footprints or bike tire ruts in the underlying dirt, then it’s best to turn around and find a different outdoor recreation opportunity,” Matt Andrews, Parks and Recreation Trails Coordinator said in a release. “Until everything is frozen solid again, the trails are highly vulnerable, which could create damage and present erosion issues on the trails.”
The trails will be reopened once the ground has completely frozen and surface conditions allow. To learn more about the City of Duluth’s City of Duluth trails, please visit https://duluthmn.gov/parks/parkstrails-bikeways