Duluth’s Snow Removal Safety Explainer

We’ve had over 78 inches of snow this year, now that is quite a lot. And if you’ve peeked outside your window, it seems to keep piling up everywhere. Well, the city of Duluth has taken to social media to address the problem. They have released a snow removal safety video of sorts. It is a video full of tips, and knowledge on what the city is doing to combat the large amounts of snow.
“You can expect us to be in your neighborhoods now for the next month. We’re hoping that in March we’ll see some of those warmer temperatures come in which help reprieve some of our plowing. But until then, when you see us come by, if it isn’t snowing, our goal is to be able to move snow a little bit deeper into that right away,” says Geoff Vukelich, Street maintenance Ops coordinator.
And what is the biggest issue they see residents facing?
“One of the questions is why the street cleaners come by sometimes a week or ten days later and push back that snow? This is really a public safety issue. Our partners at this department are ensuring that our fire trucks, ambulances and other non-emergency vehicles like school busses and garbage trucks can still get down this road and do the things that they need to do. But it’s vital, it’s critical for us to get emergency vehicles down,” says Shawn Krizaj, DFD Fire Chief.
“We have 35 full time employees that do all of this work for the citizens of Duluth. We remove the snow, we plow the snow and we patch the potholes. So if you don’t see any snow removal operations in your area or you see it in only one spot, just be aware that it’s a big city. We have crews out every day doing this work,” finishes Krizaj.
To watch the FULL Snow Removal Safety Explainer, click here: https://fb.watch/iqQcM3G-EI/