Employees from UCare Minnesota and IFC National Marketing support Second Harvest Northland

Health insurance companies team up to help Second Harvest

New volunteers helped out at the Second Harvest Northland's food shelf day on Tuesday.

Another busy day for folks volunteering at Second Harvest Northland’s food shelf distribution day, with folks lined up before 8am to get the items.

Some of volunteers were new faces. Employees from UCare Minnesota and IFC National Marketing spent time loading up people’s cars with nutritious foods.

“It’s amazing,” shared Josh Simenstad, Community Engagement Specialist for UCare. “I was just talking to a volunteer who said they broke a record last week with 510 households coming through.”

Marti Andro, Sales Manager for UCare, added, “It’s a blessing. Seeing people get the food they need, keeping their dignity. It’s a beautiful thing.”

“We are able to work with UCare on a daily basis,” explained Audrey Villeneuve, Senior Sales Consultant from IFC. “We are able to lead with a servants heart with them, and we share the same moral compass with them.”

They also have an online donation drive, between Team Peanut Butter (IFC) and Team Jelly (UCare).

Here’s the link to the online donation page: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/WebLink.aspx?name=E356486&id=39