Enger Park Golf Course is closed for the season

Well, it’s no more tee time if you like playing golf at Enger Park Golf Course. Tuesday, November 1st, was the last day to get those few stokes out before the winter months. The golf course closed for the season on Wednesday, November 2, and this includes the driving range.

The golf course did not see a huge spike in numbers as before, but they saw more than 20,000 golf balls get teed off this past year. “While we did not necessarily see above the average number of rounds here at the course this year, we still did see solid use on the course. A lot of our pass holders, like season pass holders, and our leagues that we were really glad to host them here at Enger and make sure that they could enjoy golf for the full season,” said Jessica Peterson, the Parks and Recreation Manager for the City of Duluth.

Like everything with inflation, Peterson mentioned that Enger Park Golf Course has seen the impacts of inflation, and it hit them hard in every area. “Equipment, hiring seasonal labor to run and maintain that equipment has certainly been a challenge this year. Fuel costs on our golf cart fleet have gone up. All of these things and more we have to take into account when we are operating each year, and we will be looking at that as we plan our 2023 budget.”

According to the Duluth Parks and Recreation, the Enger Park Golf Course Clubhouse will be open on Thursdays from 9 am to 3 pm for golf holiday shopping. Hours for the remainder of the off season will be posted on www.golfduluth.com. Gift certificates are always available online at

City officials say golfers will be able to play at Enger Park Golf Course during the 2023 season. Season passes are currently on sale through mid-December at the current 2022 rates. They say the price will increase effective December 16. City officials say Lester Park Golf Course will not open for play in 2023, and status updates related to course renovations at Enger as well as future operations of Enger and Lester will continue to be posted at: https://duluthmn.gov/parks/parks-planning/progressin-the-park/enger-golf-course-renovation/