Exciting new sports court in Esko, joins new fitness center and flexible learning center

Excitement about the new sports court in Esko

A look at the new sports court now open in Esko, which joins the new fitness center and soon to be finished flexible learning center.

The fall sports season starts on Monday in Esko. But on Friday, a chance for kids to really enjoy the new sports court.

“It’s really nice,” shared 8th grader Henry Skifstad, who was out with his buddies. “The hoops are better, you can raise them up or lower them.”

There are four basketball courts, along a pickleball court and place for four-square.

It replaces the aging and cracked asphalt one, where players would end up with plenty of skinned knees.

The new one is bright blue, and is safer. “It’s good for falls and shock absorption,” explained Matt Berger, Youth Basketball Director.

“The indoor gym is packed all the time. We needed something better outside, that kids don’t have to pay for, and can come anytime to shoot buckets,” said Michele Carlson, Director of Community Education. She had this vision a few years ago.

A combined effort between the district and businesses made this $85,000 project a reality.

Esko Fun Days hosted the first big event here with a 3 v 3 tournament on Friday. Kids from around the region came to play.

Inside, Esko has a new fitness center, which has state of the art equipment. It’s a partnership with Essentia Health, with support from the Esko Sports Alliance.

Their old fitness center is being turned into a flexible learning center.

Superintendent Aaron Fischer shared, “Through study groups and focus groups, we decided this would be the ideal way to re-purpose the space. It’s going to be a great addition to our school, with a coffee shop run by the entrepreneurial class.”

Esko has 70 credits students can earn through the College in the Schools program, and this will be a great spot for those students.

There are more fun things planned for Saturday in Esko: https://www.eskocommunitypartnership.com/esko-fun-days