Getting closer to FinnFest 2024 in Duluth

FinnFest 2024 is coming up at the DECC in July

Get your tickets now for the 2024 FinnFest in Duluth, which is scheduled for July 24th-28th.

FinnFest 2024 is coming up in Duluth at the DECC, July 24th-28th. So get ready to focus on all things Finland and Nordic for those five days.

Duluth is hosting this international event for five years in a row, with 2023 being the first year. The city has also hosted in 2008 and 1992.

Ira Mimmu Salmela is the Executive Director, shared, “We can really build on what we’ve started, and each year we’re adding new things.”

They have 120 different events you can experience, from food, to floorball, to foreign affairs.

Plus, they really upped the sauna game, and are bringing in more coffee as well.

Organizers are hoping to see about 5,000 people attend.

You are encouraged to get your tickets now: