Gichi Gami Apothecary open now in West Duluth

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Jill Kari and Alice Jondal met years ago when they both worked for Lake Effect Vapor.

They decided to open their own business focused on health, happiness, and harmony.

It’s called Gichi Gami Apothecary, and is part of the Spirit Valley neighborhood in West Duluth.

Jondal explained, “Both being on our own wellness journeys, our own spiritual journeys, just kind of wanted to pursue those different paths, whether it be the metaphysical side of things with the crystals or the adaptogenic side of things with all the wonderful things mushrooms can do.”

The store just opened a couple of weeks ago, after months of renovating the space and building custom wood shelving.

“I’m super excited to be able to help people on the same path, and try the products we’ve researched, and tried out. To be able to streamline that for people. There are so many products out there, and a lot of people don’t know where to start,” Kari shared.

She also added they’ve been able to meet local growers and farmers. And they also want to help feature local artists.

The store is located at: 323 N Central Avenue, Duluth, MN, across from Wussow’s and down from the West Theatre. They are open 7 days a week.

Check them on out Facebook: