Globe News prepares for the nationwide Record Store Day
Saturday, April 22nd marks Record Store Day. It’s a nationwide event geared to help locally owned record stores. Mayor labels and artists produce vinyl that is made exclusive to in store purchases, meaning if shoppers want an exclusive vinyl they have to purchase it directly from the record stores.
Record Store Day first started back in 2008 and nearly 1,400 stores participate. Including Superior’s Globe News. It’s one of the only record stores that participate in the Twin Ports and northern Wisconsin.
Globe News’ newest owner, John Fritsche, is gearing up for his first ever record store day with Globe News.
“We’re going to open up at 9:00 and we’ll kind of go from there,” says John. Record Store Day will also act as a chance to get new customers introduced to the store.
John says, “I love the people that come in and just seeing what people like. That’s the really big thing with music, is that everything changes with the times. So you got to keep up on what’s fresh and what’s new.”

Kyle Aune/WDIO
In 2022 Taylor Swift was a big artist who contributed to record store day and is continuing to contribute to this year. Her vinyl folklore: the long pond studio sessions will be one of the exclusives this year with 100,000 copies produced. This is more than last year when there were only 10,000 copies of her 7″ vinyl the lakes nationwide.
With limited additions in stores, collectors will get to Globe News hours before it opens.
Long time Globe News customer Dan North, who has been to a Record Store Day event, says, “It was more of a deal than I thought because I showed up an hour before the store opened and there was a line going all the way down the block.”
But with the long line John Fritsche says the store will have protocols in place to prevent any “Black Friday” like craziness.