Graffiti damage found along a recreational trail in Cloquet

The Cloquet Police Department is asking for information regarding damage done in a Cloquet neighborhood. According to reports the damage can be seen along the ATV trail/bridge near Spafford Park. There are also paintings on the walking path north of the St. Louis River.

Authorities believe the damage may have occurred sometime between Sunday evening and Tuesday morning. Cloquet public works staff were called to clean up the graffiti.

According to the Cloquet Police, the ATV trail, bridge support, and bridge surface had been damaged with blue spray paint with symbols and language that could be interpreted as biased or hateful in nature.

Cloquet police as for anyone with information related to the damage, or may know who participated in the damage should call 911, message our Cloquet PD Facebook page, or text TIP CLOQUETPD, followed by your message to 888777. Please reference Case Number: CQ24001182