Grit and Gratitude coming up in Two Harbors, a chance to bike to benefit kids who have cancer

Bike event coming up to celebrate girl’s recovery from cancer

Another Grit and Gratitude bike event is coming up in Two Harbors, to raise money for pediatric cancer.

7-year-old Lily Buchholz-Leibfried doesn’t remember much about her time with a rare liver cancer called hepatoblastoma. After all, she was only 1-years-old at the time, and needed specialized care in the cities and in Cincinnati.

“They were very cautious about the survival rates,” remembered her mother, Heather. “In April of 2019, I remember the tone shifted to thinking she could survive this.”

That’s when Heather started working on a bike ride to celebrate her daughter’s resilience.

The 4th Grit and Gratitude is coming up again on Sunday, August 18th at Spokengear in Two Harbors. This one will mark 5 years cancer free for Lily.

You can choose from a 23 mile or 50 mile ride.

And you’re encouraged to wear a tutu, since that’s what Lily wore when she was having a good day during treatment.

It’s not a race, just a ride for raising funds. The money will be split between hepatoblastoma research at Cincinnati Children’s, Ronald McDonald Charities, Dragonfly Foundation, and Northern Lights Foundation.

There will be a silent auction from 9am-2pm. Buchholz said they are so grateful for the support of sponsors and the community. They are looking for more riders and sponsors.

To sign up: