Inside the new Itasca County Government Center ahead of the opening of the building
The public has been checking out the new Itasca County Government Center, which features the new jail and courtrooms.
There will be a dental area in the nurses station, which is new. Codes and biometrics will be used for vending services. Visits can be done via app or video call. And they can control all the water with a computer. There’s something called Vibe, which can help a teacher share with the entire jail through a special board.
John Johnson, the chair of the Itasca County Board, shared, that the new jail encompasses 75,000 square feet. “It’s one of the most modern and highly advanced in our area,” he said.
There’s a mental health unit, which is unique.
Sheriff Joe Dasovich said, “We are the only jail with a master’s level clinical health practitioner in our secure facility. She’s a member of our corrections team. Her job is to help people move on to the care they need.”
The courtrooms upstairs are also state of the art and more secure. And built with a pandemic in mind.
Judge Heidi Chandler added, “We are able to accomadate a 14 person jury, all six feet apart. I think we’re the only place in the state that can do that.”
The nearly $75 million dollar price tag is being covered by a 1% sales tax that voters approved.
As for official move in, that’s slated for sometime after the DOC inspection, which is next Friday.