Itasca Pride kicks off their first Pride Fest in Grand Rapids

Grand Rapids celebrates Itasca Pride Fest

The newly-formed Itasca Pride organization hosted the first ever pride celebration held in Grand Rapids.

Throughout the month of June, there have been several pride events for the LGBT+ community. The community of Grand Rapids celebrated the Itasca Pride Fest. This is the first pride celebration, where the newly formed Itasca Pride organization is hoping to become an annual event.

Liz Barnum, who’s advocated for the organization in several City Council meetings, says the Itasca Pride Fest is open and inclusive to everyone.

“Whether you’re an ally, or in the [LGBT+] community, or wondering where you are in life, we don’t just figure it out at a certain age or whatever. Life’s a journey .” Barnum said. “We want you to know that you’re loved and welcomed and respected. We just want to have a good, safe time. It took a village to make this event happen and we’re looking forward to next year.”

Even though there have been other pride events in Itasca County, Nathan Bergstedt with Klockow Brewing says many residents in Grand Rapids haven’t seen or experienced a pride event.

“So there’s been a LGBT alliance present in Grand Rapids for years, but we’ve never had like a full blown pride fest like this. Pride is for everybody,” Bergstedt said. “There’s going to be some people who want to do something that’s antithetical to that. I guess that’s their business. I feel sorry for them.”

Back in May, there were efforts by some residents in Grand Rapids opposed to the Itasca Pride Fest. However, Jaxon Flett, a resident of Grand Rapids, says the continued support for the Itasca Pride event is overwhelming.

“There’s so many people here and in such a small town. When you look around, all you see is people that are genuinely happy to be here. We normally expect protesters or people to come. But if you look around, we have not had that issue,” Flett said. “That is incredible because that means for once the community is coming together. You don’t have to be queer to be here. We love you regardless.”

For more details about the Itasca Pride organization here is a link to their Facebook. Also for more information about how event started you can read more here.