Kaski Inc. takes responsibility for 40th Avenue bridge damages

The West Duluth construction company Kaski Inc. is taking responsibility to last Thursday’s trucking accident that caused the 40th Avenue to be closed indefinitely.
In a Facebook post they write, “We take FULL responsibility for this incident and are doing everything we can to make it right. We also want to apologize for the inconvenience this has caused for the community.”
Friday morning a informational demonstration hosted by Teamsters took place outside of the Kaski building. Letting the public know which company was behind the damages.
“Thankfully this time it was just property and not someone’s life,” says Zak Radzak.
The demonstrators claim that Kaski Inc is a non-union business so their drivers may not have had the training that a union driver would have.
Radzak goes on to say, “In the state of Minnesota you have to go through an accredited class to get your commercial driver’s license. And the union classes; We teach them how to secure loads how to strap them down, how to measure the height of the load they’re hauling to make sure it doesn’t hit. Stuff that you would assume is common sense. But the non-union trucking companies they get whatever person they can to get into these big trucks.”
WDIO has reached out to Kaski and asked about the licenses their drivers had and more about the specific trip this driver was making on that day but we have yet to hear back from the company.