Business is starting strong and starting young

Business is starting strong and starting young

Benson Rule, the business kid who started it all, brought local kid vendors together for the second Kids Market in Cloquet.

Continue to follow the journey of the Kids Market, we went in person to see the market for ourselves on July 21st, 2024.

Benson Rule, the business kid who started it all, once again brought local kid vendors together for the second Kids Market in Cloquet. The market was held in the old Applebee’s parking lot as a variety of vendors filled the area.

Each kid and family brought their own style and business to the market. From Couzin’s Accessories & A.R.M. keeping us covered with a variety of bracelets and scarfs to Royce’s Lovely Beads & Lucas’ Pony Beads showing off beadwork.

“He made some of these beads here on the table. Um, he got inspired. He just pretty much came up and asked me, you know, hey mom, I want to learn how to bead. Okay. Well, let’s go start beading. So, we decided to go and get a bunch of supplies and yeah, here we are.” – Royce Bead’s Mother.

That is only a few of the many vendors who brought their own business and many of them knew Benson.

Many of the kids at the market knew Benson through connections of family such as cousin or sibling, while others were friends from areas like Lacrosse and joined in Benson’s adventures of the Kids Market.

Each one of the stalls were filled with a new entrepreneur who is starting their own business and working towards their own goals.

From things to buy,

“”Oh, just so I can make enough money to get that legacy that I’ve been wanting for a long time now, it’s from up. It actually has the real characters, the squirrel and the dog, and the balloons on the house.”

to supporting a family pet,

“I’m trying to get my cat neutered.”

With the success of the market, heard by laughter of an Among Us running around, Benson passes some advice to kids going on their own business journey.

“I would like to say, if you start your own business, just keep going. You’ll keep thinking of new ideas, like I think of cake pops & my new drinks.”