Lake Superior College students kick off their fall semester this week

Lake Superior College students kick off their fall semester this week, with welcome back activities and classes already underway. Students picked up text books, found their classrooms, got their student ids, met with their advisors, and explored the campus.

David Kline, the president of Advancement and and External Relations at LSC says the goal for everyone is to succeed.

“We know that that first week is a very stressful week. They want to know where their classes are, do they fit in, do they have all of their details ironed out,” Kline said. “They want to make sure they are off and running on the right foot. So that’s our goal.”

Kline also says that this fall semester there’s more Laker Superior College students attending compared to prior years.

“Our enrollment is up a little bit from last year, and we’re rebounding from the COVID years where it dipped a bit.” Kline said. “So all variety of students we are making sure they get off on the right foot.”

If you’ve been meaning to apply, but haven’t yet, the deadline for the fall semester at Lake Superior College is the end of the day tomorrow. Some programs are full, but there are still openings.

For more information about Lake Superior College students starting this fall you can read more here. Also for other stories happening at LSC you can read more here.