Lakeview Christian Academy remains open after budget concerns

Lakeview Christian Academy remains open after budget concerns

Lakeview Christian Academy will have both their middle school and high school remain open this year after raising enough funds to cover budgeting concerns.

Parents are getting ready their kids ready to go back to school. Likewise teachers are getting their lesson plans and classrooms prepared in September. However, one private school in Duluth faced a difficult decision after reviewing some gaps in their budget. Lakeview Christian Academy, were unsure whether they needed to close their middle school and high school before the school year.

Lakeview Christian Academy needed to balance a $350,000 gap in their budget otherwise 100 students would need to switch schools. Principal Heidi Wright says there’s multiple components for the gaps in the school’s budget.

“We offer lots of financial aid because we know that not everybody has the means to pay for a tuition bill. As you can imagine with the economy that we’re in now, everything is costing more,” Wright said. “Our families have been hit by that very deeply. It’s cause a great gap in our budget, greater than we have seen in many, many years. We have looked into many things, and there aren’t a lot of grants out there for an organization like ours.”

Wright says the school is relying on donations and community fundraisers to help continue their middle school and high school. The administration asked for help from families and people in the community through their social media to invest in children’s education through donations, sponsors and even selling popcorn. Although their efforts paid off with more than $250,000 raised to help balance the school’s budget.

“The beautiful thing about this community is education is not a one-size-fits-all. We feel that there’s great value for us to be a part of the education community in Duluth so parents have multiple options for education. So their child can excel in the giftings and strengths that they have. We go to our community and ask would they partner with us to ensure that we remain an option for our families in the Northland here.”

Parents deciding on what school is right for their kids is not an easy task. Jensin Clark is a parent to three kids, and two of them are enrolled at Lakeview Christian Academy. She said when she first heard the news she was scared for other families enrolling their kids this year. Although she remained hopeful people would help Lakeview Christian Academy in their time of need.

“It was shocking, undeniably. But at the same time, I know that, the Lord works miracles and it was a bit of a journey. But $175,000 isn’t that much to the Lord. So it was amazing to see the community pull together and parents just really come together and decide to work in unity to provide this option for families in the Northland. And they did it.”

Clark says if the middle school and high school closed, then her kids and other families would lose out on the quality education and values taught at Lakeview.

Several teachers and parents are trying to find more ideas for long-term sustainable funding. Although they are already grateful to people who’ve donated to keep Lakeview Christian Academy open for many more years. But for now, the students, parents, and teachers are happy to have all their classes available this school year.

For more information about the Lakeview Christian Academy fundraiser we have details here. Also for other stories about going Back to School you can read more here.