Lawnmower Races: Not your typical fundraiser

Up in the town of Cotton, Minn., people brought their tractors, trucks, and lawn mowers for Big Truck Night. Old School Lives hosts the event every year, for the past six years.

Katie Crispo, one of the marketing directors with Old School lives said the event has steadily been growing over the years. “We have a thrift store and do a variety of youth events,” Crispo said. “We have a Children’s Discovery Center that’s open daily for people to come in and use. So all kinds of activities for all ages.”

The non-profit organization helps the people in Cotton with community meals, events, and youth programs. Big Tractor Night had plenty of fun activities for the whole family to try like minibike racing, tractor rides, and races for kids.

The registration fee were $10 per racing mower or mini bike, but participants must must fill out and bring a liability form to race. Any racer under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian signature.

Some of the other rules were no bumping, cutting blades must be completely removed, no mowing decks, however, kill switches are required.

There were also two race classes for mowers and mini-bikes, between stock and modified vehicles. Finally there other races included senior races, group push mower races, and kiddie cup races for children. There was even a race for riding lawn mowers in reverse around the track.

Crispo said many of the community events like the big truck night and the lawn mower races wouldn’t be possible without the help of donations and help from volunteers. “We have volunteer opportunities all year long,” Crispo said. “Our Christmas dinner theater is coming up in December, and that always requires a lot of volunteer help.”

Montana Johnson, one of the lawnmower racers at Big Truck Night, also said that anyone can come on down to try out racing. “There isn’t really much training,” Johnson said. “If they want to come down I’ll let them try one of mine, and they can try it for themselves”

For more information about Big Truck Night you can read more here. For other stories happening in Cotton you can also read more here.