Learning about Careers in STEM at Discovery Day at UMD

Learning about Careers in STEM at Discovery Day
Students from high schools and middles schools in the Twin Ports gathered at UMD’s campus for STEM Discovery Day. The University of Minnesota Duluth’s Swenson College of Science & Engineering is hosting the event. STEM Discovery Day showcases future career possibilities for students interested in science, engineering, technology and math (STEM).
Participating students will get an opportunity to do hands-on STEM activities. Some of these were mini robots, earth science exploration, the chemical engineering of chocolate, plant adaptations, chemistry, and bird ecology. Groups will also visit the Planetarium and greenhouse while on campus for STEM Discovery Day UMD.
128 students are attending the free event, pre-registered to participate and bussing from area schools will also be provided by Swenson College to help students get to campus. UMD students primarily help to facilitate this program, along with faculty and staff, are excited to meet the Twin Ports students and show them around campus. The event runs from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and includes a free lunch for participants.
For more information about STEM Discovery Day at UMD you can look here https://scse.d.umn.edu/outreach/2022-stem-discovery.
For another story about STEM you can look here https://www.wdio.com/front-page/top-stories/students-put-their-stem-theory-projects-to-the-test/.