Level III predatory offender released in Duluth

Michael Thomas Kleiber. (Duluth Police Department)
The Duluth Police Department is notifying the public of a High-Risk, level three predatory offender that will be released in Duluth. Michael Thomas Kleiber, is a 46-year-old, white man with brown hair and blue eyes. Kleiber is 6′ 7″ tall and weighs 196 pounds. There is no known address for Kleiber, and authorities say he will be homeless.
According to the fact sheet sent by the Duluth Police Department, Michael Kleiber engaged in sexual conduct with a woman he knew. The woman was a staff member at the group home where Kleiber lived. The fact sheet says Kleiber approached her from behind, holding a knife to her throat, and attempted to remove her clothing.
The Duluth Police Department releases the information in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 244.052 and 253D, to inform the public of an offenders release from prison or a secure treatment facility when the police department believes that the information will help public safety.
Kleiber has served the sentence for his conviction, and is transitioning into the community.
Authorities say the notification of a offenders release is not to increase fear, but to keep the public informed.