Local 49 endorses Rep. Pete Stauber for reelection

The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49 endorsed Congressman Pete Stauber in his reelection for the Minnesota 8th Congressional District. Stauber accepted the nomination and called it an honor.

“Minnesotans are known for our grit and no one embodies that more than the dedicated, devoted, hard-working Local 49ers,” said Stauber, who as an Area Commander with the Duluth Police Department served as Law Enforcement Labor Services Union, Local 363. “Fighting for our way of life means standing in Congress for Minnesota’s working families and I take pride in my record of fiercely advocating for mining our critical minerals right here in Minnesota so we can help provide the hardworking Local 49ers with increased job opportunities and an improved economy for the entire region.”

The union says that Stauber has been a consistent supporter on issues that matter to them.

“He has voted every time in favor of prevailing wage laws, always voted against anti-worker, so-called ‘right-to-work’ legislation, and voted in favor of project labor agreements,” Local 49 Business Manager Jason George said. “Republicans are not always good on these critical labor issues. We have always been able to count on Congressman Stauber to vote with hardworking 49ers on these policies, and beyond that, we have been able to count on him educating his Republican colleagues in the House on the importance of issues for construction workers in their districts. We are making progress every day with Republicans on Labor issues. Local 49 is leading the way with the help of allies like Congressman Stauber.”

They made the announcement Monday morning at the Seafarers Center in Duluth.

The republican lawmakers is currently in his third term. In a press release, Local 49 says it takes a bipartisan approach to politics, endorsing candidates from both sides of the aisle who support its members and their jobs.