Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe celebrate 10th annual Smelt parade

If you had a chance to walk through canal park, chances are you might have saw something fishy. The Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe held the 10th annual magic smelt parade. The Smelt parade brings back newcomers wrapped up in Smelt pandemonium, but also long-term smelt fans.

Alison Moffat a resident from Superior talked more about the Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe’s Smelt parade compared to years past. “This is probably about as nice a weather as I think I’ve seen for a Smelt parade.” Moffat said. “I’ve probably gone for about seven years or so. My family and I go and we usually run into lots of friends here. It’s just a good reason to get weird at the start of at the start of spring.”

Of course, the fun of the Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe’s smelt parade is something that’s almost infectious to newcomers. Some of the costume designs range from the simple to complex.

Genevie Lane, was a newcomer to the Smelt parade and talked about her first experience there. “We just found out about it, so we got in on the action. I felt like I really belong. These are my people.” Lane said. “We’re all different, but we have the same purpose in mind. And that purpose is being that we’re all just smelt.”

When people really think about the Smelt parade it’s so much more than fish, its about bringing people together. “Be you, dress weird, enjoy the community, and enjoy being outside on the lake.” Moffat said. For more information about the Magic Smelt Puppet Troupe you can look here. For other stories happening in Duluth you can look here.