Memorial Day Observance for fallen veterans in Proctor

A Memorial Day Observance for fallen veterans at the Proctor community center. Friends, Families and everyone else, gathered to pay their respects to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice. The American Legion Post 106 conducted the ceremony, also had help from Boy Scout Troop 84.

Nathan Covington, an Eagle Scout from Troop 84, also talked about the significance of Proctor’s Memorial Day Observance. “Memorial Day is about the people who gave their lives. Not so you can have that three day weekend, just remember those people who gave the ultimate sacrifice for you and everyone.” Covington said.

Memorial Day has only been a federal holiday since 1971. However, the community of Proctor has held a Memorial Day Observance for the last 102 years. Jake Benson the Coordinator for the Memorial Day Observance talked more about what the day means to the community. “They’ve revered their veterans and honor those who do not return home. Without them, this wouldn’t be the observance it is.” Benson said. “We’re the only observance in the area that has a bagpiper and a trumpeter to perform Taps. That’s how much this community comes together.”

After the Memorial Day Observance, the American Legion Post 106 then went to several cemeteries to honor and salute the veterans no longer with us. “When you look at the men and women in the audience from former privates to generals, from former speakers that we’ve had over the years all wanting to participate. Four mayors had actively participated in this observance.” Benson said. “And there are still here today, 50 years later, after donning that uniform out of respect and memory for the lives that were lost, they came home and their duty now is to remember those who did not.”

For more information about the American Legion you can look here. For other stories about Memorial Day you can look here.