MMA Outdoor War in Superior II returns
Coming up on August 6th with the Head of the Lakes Fair the MMA Outdoor War II is coming back to Superior.
Many spectators are expected to attend Gondik Law Speedway for the 17 fight event. The doors open at 2:00pm and the fight starts at 3:00pm.
Promoter Robert Mrotek says, “MMA is one of the hottest sports out there, next to the NFL. A lot of people like it and it’s super popular.”
Mrotek also mentions out of the fighters many of them are local along with some of the best fighters in the Midwest.
UFC Hall of Famer Dan “The Beast” Severn will be at the fight as well signing autographs and taking photos with the fans.
August 6th, MMA Outdoor War II is coming back to Superior with the Head of the Lakes Fair.
With local stars entering the ring Robert says this is a great time to showcase years of hard work. He says, “There’s a lot that goes into it, just going to academy and hitting pads and grappling. And there’s diet, conditioning, there’s a lot more that goes into it than people understand.”