Mother-daughter duo opening Dogsenter in Washburn

Mother-daughter duo opening Dogsenter in Washburn

Washburn, Wisconsin to have its very own Dogsenter - a place to shop, wash and play for dog lovers.

A new business opening in Washburn, Wisconsin is set to become the go to spot for dog owners.

Dogsenter, which opens on August 26th, is the new dog store that also offers an indoor and outdoor play area, washing stations, and beverages for owners. The idea came about after owner Pam Dahlheimer realized there was nothing in town for dog owners.

“The area didn’t have even a dog store, a pet store, to get really good dog food,” she says, “there’s very limited options here besides a grocery store. And still people are driving an hour to an hour and a half to get the dog food that they want.”

Dogsenter is also family owned and operated with Pam as the owner and her daughter Sarena Dahlheimer as the store manager.

Pam says, “I’ve been doing most of the ordering and I’ll show her like, ‘What do you think of this?’ And she’ll help pick out stuff or she’ll like, ‘Let me fill the cart, Mom, for you.’ But it’s her passion. She loves retail and just putting everything out where it goes, that’s her passion.”

There’s a lot that goes into starting a business according to Sarena. She says,“It’s a lot of work. We still have a long ways to go, but every day we’re getting shipments in. It’s very exciting. I enjoy putting all the products out and I love educating people on everything that we’re carrying.”

The duo is also pairing with local animal shelters to make sure that pets in the area can find a forever home.