MPCA Commissioner visits Aurora and talks about planning for future infrastructure

MPCA Commissioner visits with leaders in Aurora about infrastructure

The leader of the MPCA spent time visiting with leaders in Aurora about investment in infrastructure.

The commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency stopped in Aurora on Friday morning.

Katrina Kessler visited Lake St. James, which is the city’s water supply. And she also stopped by the wastewater treatment plant in town.

Aurora received a $156,000 grant from the MPCA to develop a storm water management plan.

“This money is from the legislature, which set aside $100 million dollars for climate resiliency. It can go for planning or capital upgrades. We are pleased Aurora is well underway with implementation of plans and well situated going forward, as additional grant dollars become available,” Kessler said.

Mayor Doug Gregor said they are excited she came for an in-person visit to see what they’re working on.