New conductor excited about summer series for Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra

New conductor for Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra

Ho-Yin Kwok is excited to be leading the Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra.

Ho-Yin Kwok can’t wait to share music with the Northland again. He’s the new conductor for the Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra. “I’m thrilled about the people, the community, and the music,” he said.

Their summer concert series is July 11th, 18th, and 25th, at 7pm at Weber Music Hall at UMD.

“We’re going to have a couple of premieres, so people will be able to enjoy brand new music,” he told us at a Meet and Greet event last month.

The July 18th concert will feature the winner of the Young Artists Piano Camp solo competition. And Quartet Project students will perform in a side-by-side concert on the 25th.

Tickets available here: or at the door.