New report focuses on people who live above the poverty line, but still struggle with basic survival budget

ALICE in Minnesota: A Study of Financial Hardship

ALICE stands for Asset limited income, constrained, employed, and the United Way hopes to help others who fall into this category.

A new report is designed to shed light on the number of people struggling financially, but don’t meet the requirements for federal assistance.

It’s called ALICE in Minnesota: A Study of Financial Hardship.

Head of the Lakes United Way, United Way of Northeastern Minnesota, and United Way of Carlton and Pine Counties came together with United Ways from across the state to launch this report.

ALICE stands for Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained Employed and describes hardworking friends and neighbors who struggle to meet basic needs but do not get assistance because they earn over the federal poverty level. United Ways came together because they want to help raise awareness of ALICEs in the state and work together to find solutions to ensure all Minnesotans thrive. Find out more information about ALICE MN: