Victim identified in fatal Duluth bicycle accident

Update as of December 5: The Duluth Police Department has identified the bicyclist as 60-year-old Duluth resident Steven Hoover. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to the loved ones of Hoover,” said Duluth Police Department Public Information Officer Mattie Hjelseth.
Original story: Authorities in Duluth responded to a call of a bicycle-automobile accident around 5 p.m. on December 4.
According to the report, a 60-year-old man, who’s name has not yet been released, rode westbound through a crosswalk at Mesaba Avenue below West 1st Street. Police say he failed to look for oncoming traffic before attempting to cross the street, and was struck by two separate vehicles.
The man was then taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead.
Duluth police say neither driver involved showed signs of impairment.