Different ways to prevent drinking and driving on New Year’s Eve

Plenty of people are getting together with friends and family to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and many plan on drinking this evening. However, before you get too ahead in the spirit of new year’s, there are some safety tips to remember. Duluth Police Officer Todd Simmons said there are different ways to prevent people from drunk driving.

“You always want to start off the new year, right? And that’s making sure you get home safely in the new year. And some of those recommendations that we certainly have for people going out and enjoying the night is always plan ahead.” Simmons said.

The Duluth Police Department also posted on their Facebook that within 2022 alone there were over 250 D.U.I.’s. Simmons also thinks that we can try to lower those numbers for next year by not drinking and driving with having a plan in place.

“Designate somebody who is going to get you home safely. A responsible person who is going to do that. If you have nobody, there’s other things you can do. Plan ahead for a hotel in the area. There’s busses that will be offering free rides tonight if asked. Taxi cabs. Everyone has some type of rideshare app on their phone nowadays.” Simmons said.

Although, there are new policies regarding parking late tonight. Over on West 1st street, parking will be unavailable to help prevent the possibility of drunk driving this evening. Another important thing to look out for is to make sure you prevent others from drinking and driving, not only for their safety, but to keep others safe.

“Our roads inherently are dangerous in and of itself driving sober. Add alcohol or drugs into the mix. And it’s going to increase your chances of an accident or somebody getting seriously hurt tonight. Hopefully the snowplows will be out tonight and clearing our roadways. But slow it down. Leave enough time to get home safely. There’s no rush tonight.” Simmons said.

For even more information you can look here https://madd.org/drunk-driving/.

For another story you can read more here https://www.wdio.com/front-page/top-stories/university-of-minnesota-duluth-alcohol-emergency-policy-medical-amnesty/.