Public meeting for upcoming Mesaba Ave. bridges project

Mesaba Bridge Project 2026 (MnDOT/City of Duluth)
Bridge repair work is coming to Mesaba Avenue in Duluth next year, and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) wants the community to learn more. MnDOT will host a public meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 5:30 p.m. in the Duluth Public Library Green Room, 520 W. Superior Street.
MnDOT and City officials will be on hand to talk about the Mesaba Avenue bridges project coming in 2026. The cost of the project is estimated at $2 million.
The project includes bridge repair work on the Michigan Street bridge over Mesaba Avenue and the Mesaba Avenue bridge over Superior Street. MnDOT says it includes detours for vehicles and pedestrians.
You can learn more about the project on the website at