Rafe Carlson releases song to help support and raise money for 23rd Veteran

Rafe Carlson is excited about his newest song, which has an important message. It’s called “A Place to Fall.”

It’s written from a veteran’s point of view, looking for some help. Suicide is a major problem for veterans, which is why 23rd Veteran is so focused on mental wellness.

“I found myself working harder on this release than any other song, because it’s about the bigger picture,” Carlson said.

He’s partnered with 23rd Veteran, and will donate a portion of his streaming revenue to the non-profit.

“I think what hits close to home for me is helping people, that could be a friend. People who are within the Twin Ports community. I thought that would be a good starting point, although 23rd Veteran helps people all over the country,” he said.

To donate and listen to the song: https://impact.23rdveteran.org/give/444024/#!/donation/checkout

Rafe will also be singing the song LIVE on 23rd Veteran’s Facebook for the North of Nashville Giving Tuesday concert on 11/29.