Reactions flood in after Biden drops out

President Joe Biden has officially ended his re-election campaign on Sunday, July 21, in a letter posted on social media.

Following the post, the President gave his full endorsement of Vice President Kamela Harris for the Democratic nomination for President. This comes less than a month before the Democratic National Convention is set to open in Chicago.

Coming off the President’s announcement, reactions have been flooding in from across the country.

Vice President Kamala Harris

“On behalf of the American people, I thank Joe Biden for his extraordinary leadership as President of the United States and for his decades of service to our country. His remarkable legacy of accomplishment is unmatched in modern American history, surpassing the legacy of many Presidents who have served two terms in office.

“It is a profound honor to serve as his Vice President, and I am deeply grateful to the President, Dr. Biden, and the entire Biden family. I first came to know President Biden through his son Beau. We were friends from our days working together as Attorneys General of our home states. As we worked together, Beau would tell me stories about his Dad. The kind of father—and the kind of man—he was. And the qualities Beau revered in his father are the same qualities, the same values, I have seen every single day in Joe’s leadership as President: His honesty and integrity. His big heart and commitment to his faith and his family. And his love of our country and the American people.

“With this selfless and patriotic act, President Biden is doing what he has done throughout his life of service: putting the American people and our country above everything else.

“I am honored to have the President’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination. Over the past year, I have traveled across the country, talking with Americans about the clear choice in this momentous election. And that is what I will continue to do in the days and weeks ahead. I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda.

“We have 107 days until Election Day. Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)

“President Biden has served with integrity and delivered results that will strengthen our country for generations to come. He passed historic legislation investing in our infrastructure, manufacturing and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. I am deeply grateful for his service, dedication, and commitment to our country and our democracy. President Biden is choosing the honorable path today.”

U.S. Representative Pete Stauber (R-MN)

“If Joe Biden is unfit to campaign for President then he’s unfit to be in office. With Republicans, Independents and welcomed Democrats united now more than ever, we must work together to win big in Minnesota and throughout the country regardless who President Trump’s opponent is.”

U.S. Representative Tom Emmer (R-MN)

“If the Democrat party has deemed Joe Biden unfit to run for re-election, he’s certainly unfit to control our nuclear codes. Biden must step down from office immediately.”

Wisconsin GOP Chairman Brian Schimming

“Having already denied voters the chance to replace Joe Biden during the primaries, the Democrat Party is now subjecting the American people to chaos, uncertainty, and an incapacitated presidency. If Joe Biden is incapable of the rigors of running for reelection, then he cannot be trusted to fulfill the duties of his office. Everyone from Vice President Harris, Tammy Baldwin, and the Democrat establishment bears responsibility for enabling the vanity and self-delusion of the Bidens.”

Governor Tony Evers (D-WI)

“President Biden has been an extraordinary president, one of—if not the most—well-accomplished presidents of my lifetime. He has led and guided us through some of the most tumultuous times in our nation’s history—a ravaging pandemic and economic disaster, wars the world over, an insurrection, and a near-daily assault on basic tenets of our democracy and our more prized institutions. And he did so all while delivering for the American people, enacting historic investments in our infrastructure, helping rebuild the middle class, working to reduce costs for working families and seniors, fighting against attacks on reproductive freedom, passing real solutions to the climate crisis, and so much more.

“President Biden is a leader who’s always chosen unity over division, people over politics, selflessness over selfishness, and decency and respect over cruelty and retribution, and that’s as evident today as it has been throughout each day of his decades of public service. I’ve been proud and honored to support him, and I’m incredibly grateful for all the work we’ve been able to do together. Thank you, Mr. President.

“President Biden’s decision today doesn’t change the fact the choice remains clear this November. Donald Trump wants to be a dictator on day one. He is a dangerous threat to our democracy and our country, and he will enact a radical, authoritarian agenda if he returns to the Oval Office. There is much work ahead of us, and Wisconsin Democrats and I will spend every moment of every day for the next 107 days working to defeat him.”

U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

“Today I’m proud to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States. I look forward to her candidacy as a new beginning for our party and our country and I am excited to work with her to lower costs for Wisconsin families, grow our Made in America economy, and restore our fundamental rights and freedoms.”

U.S. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI)

“Joe Biden’s life has been dedicated to our nation. There is no greater dedication a leader can make than sacrifice.

“Today, Joe and Jill Biden put America first.  Colleen and I send our gratitude and support to the President and First Lady. Michigan is better because we have delivered an unmatched track record of accomplishments together. 

“The Biden-Harris Administration has been a model for delivering bipartisan results for the American people: from renewing our infrastructure, to lowering costs for families, to building a future where everyone can thrive.

“I thank him for his truly remarkable career of service to our nation.”