Reopening Windwood Townhomes with more affordable housing

Reopening Windwood Townhomes with more affordable housing

On Wednesday, June 26th, Center City Housing held the grand reopening of Windwood Townhomes after $18 Million worth of new renovations.

The need for housing is an ongoing issue in Duluth, but there are efforts to help developers create more homes. Over on Upham Road, Center City Housing Corp. held the grand reopening of the Windwood Townhomes.

Minnesota Housing Commission helped provide $18 million in renovations for the apartments. The Windwood Townhomes offer one, two, three and four bedrooms for families. Nancy Cashman the Executive Director with Center City Housing Corp. says there’s more plans in the future to expand housing opportunities.

“The more housing we have, the better we can make our housing. It’s good for the community, it’s good for the people who live here,” Cashman said. “It’s a good day for Center City. We’ve been in Duluth since 1986, and our goal has really been to provide affordable housing. We continue to do that, but we also have moved into the homeless population. We’re also providing housing for homeless folks who need supportive services.”

Several housing development projects are underway to narrow the widening gap of people unable to afford a home. Minnesota housing commissioner Jennifer Ho, says the recent Windwood Townhomes are one of many projects offering affordable housing.

“We always get a lot more proposals than we have money to fund. It’s always hard to say no to, but it’s always been a challenge here in Duluth, building on a rock, building on a hill,” Ho said. “When the community works together, we bring the funding in from multiple sources, and we imagine what homes can look like, in a way that gives us the opportunity to just be our best selves.”

The Windwood Townhomes aren’t the only project going on in Duluth. Essentia’s Community Relations Director Tonya Loken says One Roof Community Housing and Essentia are partnering together on a program. The plan is to provide $15,000 in forgivable down-payment assistance loans to 10 individuals or families purchasing a house in Central Hillside.

“We see this as a pathway for people who may have some barriers or experience barriers in the past,” Loken said. “This program really aims to support people removing those barriers and getting the tools they need and then equipping them with this down payment assistance, kind of an extra boost and an extra nudge. And we’re really focused on our neighborhood.”

For more information about the Windwood Townhomes you can read more here. Also for other stories with Housing you can read more here.