Residents still advocating for Cobb Cook Park in Hibbing, with proposed housing being planned

Continued coverage of Cobb Cook Park in Hibbing and plans for housing

Advocates continue to stand at Cobb Cook Park in Hibbing, as there are plans in the works for a low-income housing project there.

People who are concerned about the changes at Cobb Cook Park spent time there again on Tuesday.

There are plans in the works to put a low-income housing project in this space, to help replace the aging Greenhaven apartments.

Ashton Martin loves the park space, and said the group is heartbroken they didn’t have the chance to change the city council’s mind.

There is now a purchase agreement in place between the city and the Hibbing HRA for the park land.

“We do not feel we had adequate notice about the plans to sell the park,” she told us. “We would like them to move the project, with input from all residents for a plan that works for everyone.”

The HRA Executive Director Jackie Prescott said she empathizes with the group, because she knows change is hard. “We are looking at the possibility of dealing with the lack of green space on this end of town. I do hear what they are saying, and hope we can find a way to meet them in the middle.”

She’s worked on this project for about a decade now, and said it’s desperately needed.

A statement from the city reads:

“The Housing and Redevelopment Authority will be applying for funding for the proposed housing development to Minnesota Housing. The Hibbing City Council has taken action to approve pieces of the funding application that need City support before it can be sent in for consideration. This application will be submitted by July 1, 2024, and will be awarded by the end of December 2024. The project is contingent upon being awarded that funding. If funding is awarded, the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustments & Appeals will consider rezoning the property. A Core Strategy in Hibbing’s Strategic Plan includes Strong Quality and quality housing stock that is affordable and accessible. The HRA’s project helps meet this goal.”