Shop on the Corner in Cloquet now open, showcasing 45 vendors

Art, handmade crafts, and vintage antiques are now a part of Cloquet’s shopping scene.

Shop on the Corner is open for business!

Pamela Hubbard has been putting on craft shows in Cloquet for years. This shop has always been a dream.

“It all came together within a month. Once I toured the building, and reached out to my vendors, everybody jumped on board. And everyone is so excited,” she told us.

45 vendors are in the store now. She’s also looking to expand into more antiques and more vintage items.

Cyndi Burley, who owns 63 Moose Lane, is so happy to have a place to be with other vendors. “Everybody that is involved is high quality crafting. And it’s really wonderful to be part of that community.”

All of her bath and body products are made from scratch.

There are arts and crafts classes coming soon as well. And there’s a small space to rent as well.

The building used to be home to Jerio’s Pizza and other businesses over the years. It was originally built by Minnesota Power.

Here’s the info about Shop on the Corner:

612 Cloquet Avenue

Hours are: Monday-Friday, 10-6pm, and Saturdays 9-4pm.