Singers and songwriters, send in your best ideas for the new school song for Rock Ridge
When Rock Ridge opens its new career academy high school in the fall, they will need a new song.
“Great school songs have a lot of energy, have a fast tempo, and create spirit by firing up the school for competitions and getting them ready for the games,” explained Kevin Szumal, band director at Eveleth-Gilbert.
The district is seeking submissions from anyone and everyone!
“If you have the lyrics, melody, and harmony, we can work with you on how to create a great school song,” Daniel Melby added. He’s the band director in Virginia. “We are going to be the best school in the world, and we want to have the best song, too.”
Submissions must include melody and lyrics, and be about 90 seconds in length. They can be audio, video, or written format.

Those will get narrowed down, and the Rock Ridge community will get to vote on the finalists.
Superintendent Dr. Noel Schmidt said that it would be fun to have the community help pick the song, since they also helped with the names of the buildings, colors, and mascot.
Your ideas are due to by 11:59pm on Monday, December 19th.