St. Louis County holds public meeting to discuss 40th Ave W reconstruction project

The St. Louis County Public Works hosted a public meeting to discuss upcoming changes to 40th Avenue West in Duluth. They are currently in the planning stages of a reconstruction project in the area from the railroad tracks near 9th Avenue down the hill to Grand Avenue. County engineers held the meeting at Denfeld High School to discuss the overall project and gain feedback from the community.
The talking points of the meeting included the driving lane configuration, intersections – in particular the ones at Grand Avenue and the I-35 interchange, the railroad crossing, on-street parking, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and landscaping. The project is expected to occur in 2026.
As of now, the lower portion of 40th Avenue West between Grand Avenue and I-35 is a city street. The City of Duluth does not have a project planned for this section, but city engineers are participating in this study to gather information for when funding becomes available.