STARBASE Minnesota-Duluth hosts first Camp Code Quest for girls

First Camp Code Quest at STARBASE

STARBASE is proud to host their first girls only Camp Code Quest.

A first for STARBASE Minnesota-Duluth. They are hosting their first Camp Code Quest, just for girls.

They are designing and building a light shadow-box, using a variety of STEM skills.

Wednesday was about coding the LED lights.

Instructor Beth Peppersack, call sign ‘Sol,’ told us they are a quiet group, but determined.

“Girls know they can do it, but sometimes they are overshadowed. We are giving the girls an opportunity to be in the room together, and can learn some hands-on skills. They know they can solder, and code, and make a cool product,” Peppersack shared.

Summer camp season is wrapping up, but thousands of area 5th graders will be attending STARBASE during the school year.

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