Strike authorized by Sappi Cloquet mill workers

Union workers at the Sappi paper mill in Cloquet have authorized a possible labor strike.
Sappi leaders tell us the company’s most recent three-year contract offer included wage increases, retirement plan improvements and a signing bonus but tell us a majority of the 150 union workers
represented by the National Conference of Firemen and Oilers Union turned down the company’s offer and have voted to authorize a potential strike.
Peter Steele of Sappi Corporate Communications saying, “We are disappointed that a majority of the approximately 150 Cloquet mill employees voted to reject our proposal and authorize a strike. Sappi’s proposal contains a number of significant improvements for our employees, including very competitive pay and benefits, enhancements to the retirement plan, an extremely generous signing bonus and wage increases over the three year life of the contract, which is almost unprecedented in our industry in recent years.”
The statement goes on to say if a strike happens Sappi will pursue all lawful means to operate and supply our customers, but they remain hopeful there will not be a strike.
WDIO News has reached out to NCFO union representatives for details and for a potential strike date but have not heard back as of Friday afternoon.
Sappi’s marketing boasts that the integrated pulp and paper mill in Cloquet is the most modern pulp mill operating in the US.