The Best Christmas Ever

Best Christmas Ever (WDIO)
The vision of Best Christmas Ever (BCE) is a simple one. It started with a single dad battling Ulcerative Colitis in 2010. He was in need for the holiday season with children at home, and late one night, boom. A couple of relatives knocked at his door and had bags of gifts for him. Ever since then, families who have fallen on hard times have been gifted for the holidays throughout the USA. This year was no different. A local Duluth family was gifted via BCE and the community, a massive amount of presents for this holiday season. The surprise came as a shock as they thought they came to the local venue to see the father of the family perform with his band. Little did they know, this afternoon would be the surprise of a lifetime.
“I couldn’t process it fast enough. Honestly, I’m looking around and I’m like, you know, I see the tears welling up in my mom’s eyes. I’m like, Oh, I really got to pay attention to what Kayla’s saying now. And to see what was happening, I immediately started choking up. I couldn’t emotionally process it fast enough to figure out what was going on and then I realized this those people had come in and they were bringing gifts for an event afterwards. And then it started… the pieces started to come together. And I’m still very overwhelmed in a very positive way,” says Matthew Sjelin, father of the family.
“It was massive, the amount of help that we got in the community. This is important because I think sometimes when you’re going through a tough time for any reason medical, ill, financial, whatever, it’s easy to feel very alone. And things like this remind you that there are people out there that have your back and love you, even if they don’t even know you,” says Kala Moria, Team Captain of Best Christmas Ever.
To plant a seed and pay it forward, that is what the holidays are all about. Best Christmas Ever partners with local leaders, and businesses to bless each BCE family with a custom and unique Best Christmas Ever, tailored to the family situation. To learn more about this amazing organization, click here: