The Challenge: Superior City FC

The Challenge: Superior City FC

WDIO's sports team in Alicia Tipcke and Spencer Pierce hit the pitch for tryouts with Superior City FC in The Challenge.

In WDIO’s newest series The Challenge Sports Director Alicia Tipcke and Spencer Pierce will tryout for different Northland teams throughout the summer. For the premiere, the WDIO Sports team hit the pitch to test their skills with Superior City FC.

Superior City FC men’s first team captain Nick Braun set up three drills in ball control, skill moves, and aiming. Superior City FC women’s players Tori Thorson and Anna Tobias demonstrated the skills.

“Soccer in the Northland is definitely growing, and our job is to make sure it develops. Especially with our newer players, which I think is what we had you guys do today. Development is key, and I think that was definitely a strong point for you guys,” Braun said.

Did they make the cut?